April 2020 PX-01 Switch (Second Phase)
Hardware Controller for Industrial Robot Arms
*Presented and approved by the Kent State’s multidisciplinary patent board committee.
First-Named Inventor: Ebrahim Poustinchi
International Publication Number: WO 2020/028750 A1
Filed and approved as:
EFS ID: 33351428 | Application Number: 62713566
June 2019 PX-Alpha Robot Controller (Second Phase)
Hardware Controller for Interactive controlling of Industrial Robot Arms in Real-time
*Presented and approved by the Kent State’s multidisciplinary patent board committee.
First-Named Inventor: Ebrahim Poustinchi
Filed and approved as:
EFS ID: 34018431 | Application Number: 62746015
2020 [Hideen for Peer Review]
In Press [Hideen for Peer Review]
Accepted [Hideen for Peer Review]
Journal paper
Publisher: SAGE Publications (Peer-Reviewed)
Author: Poustinchi E. (2020)
International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC)
Special issue
2018 Subtractive Digital Fabrication with Actual Robot and Virtual Material Using MARI Platform
Published Journal paper (Published)
Publisher: SAGE Publications (Peer-Reviewed)
Author: Poustinchi E. (2018)
Special issue: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Architecture,
International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC)
Volume 16, Issue 4; 2018 pp. 281–294 (December 2018)
2016 Human-Based Design and Digital Fabrication: Behavioral Mapping Parametric Knitter (BMPK)
Published University of Kentucky | Washington State University School of Design + Construction
journal paper (Published)
Authors: Kalantari S., Poustinchi E., and Ahmadi N. (2016)
GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology (JET)
Print ISSN: 2251-3701, Volume 4, Issue 1; 2016 pp. 13 – 17
2020 Robotics as a Storytelling/Experience Medium (RAASEM)
In Press Using robotics as a cyberphysical medium for Storytelling and user experience
ForthComing Publisher: Routledge (Invited)
Book Title: DATA & MATTER
Author: Poustinchi E.
Editors: Frank Melendez, Nancy Diniz, and Marcella del Signore
2019 Book Chapter: Oriole: A Parametric Solution for Animation-Based Robotic Motion Design
Published Publisher: Springer (Peer-Reviewed)
Book Title: Computer-Aided Architectural Design. "Hello, Culture"
Author: Poustinchi E. (2019)
Editor: Lee JH
18th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2019, Daejeon, South Korea, June 26–28, 2019
Selected Papers
Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1028. Springer, Singapore
Print ISBN: 978-981-13-8409-7
Print ISBN: 978-981-13-8410-3
2017 Book: Selected work from Studio EP, 2016-2017: Studio Ebrahim Poustinchi at the University of
Published Kentucky, College of Design
Publisher: Self-published Book
198 pages | ISBN-10: 1546772332
2020 Mixed Architectural Robotic Interface (MARI): Augmentation of Robotic Design and Fabrication
In Press through a Custom, Interactive Virtual-reality Platform
Accepted Conference full Paper with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E., Hashemi, M. (2020)
In Uddin M. S., Welty Ch., Soleimani A. (Eds.). Perception to Execution
Proceedings of the 2020 Design Communication Conference, Department of Architecture at
Kennesaw State University will host the 2020 International Design Communication Association
Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA from October 21st to the - 24th, 2020.
2020 Mech[Animal]Sitelessness (MAS) Alpha: A Study on Speculative Urban Design from User-
In Press experience and Atmosphere Design Perspective
Accepted Conference full Paper with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E. (2020)
In Uddin M. S., Welty Ch., Soleimani A. (Eds.). Perception to Execution
Proceedings of the 2020 Design Communication Conference, Department of Architecture at
Kennesaw State University will host the 2020 International Design Communication Association
Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA from October 21st to the - 24th, 2020.
2020 Ro-Puzzle | A robotic proposal for moving architecture
Accepted Conference full Paper with proceeding
In Press Author: Poustinchi, E., Fehrenbach, J. and , Holmes, T. (2020)
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided
Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), RE: Anthropocene Design in the Age of Humans
5-6-7-8 August 2020, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
2020 [Hideen for Peer Review]
Accepted [Hideen for Peer Review]
Conference full Paper with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E., Chang, Y.T., Hudak, B. (2020)
SIGraDi2020 Transformative Design | XXIV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society
of Digital Graphics | November 16-20, 2020
2020 [Hideen for Peer Review]
Accepted [Hideen for Peer Review]
Conference full Paper with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E., Hashemi M., Krivanek, C. (2020)
SIGraDi2020 Transformative Design | XXIV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society
of Digital Graphics | November 16-20, 2020
2020 [Hideen for Peer Review]
Accepted [Hideen for Peer Review]
Conference full Paper with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E. (2020)
SIGraDi2020 Transformative Design | XXIV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society
of Digital Graphics | November 16-20, 2020
2020 [Hideen for Peer Review]
Accepted [Hideen for Peer Review]
Conference full Paper with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E., Touchette, S., Chambers, C. (2020)
SIGraDi2020 Transformative Design | XXIV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society
of Digital Graphics | November 16-20, 2020
2019 Robotically Augmented Imaging (RAI Alpha):
Published Spatial Experience Customization Using Robotic Imaging as a Design Tool
Author: Poustinchi, E., Touchette, S., Chambers, S, (2019)
ACADIA 19:UBIQUITY AND AUTONOMY [Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the
Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-578-59179-7](The
University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture, Austin, Texas 21-26 October 2019) pp. 352-359
2019 Oriole Beta: A parametric solution for robotic motion design using animation
Published Conference Full Paper with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E. (2019)
in Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial
Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 2, University
of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 227-234
2019 Mixed Robotic Interface Γ: Searching for a hybrid interface through virtual/actual robots
Published Conference Full Paper with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E. (2019)
14th European Architectural Envisioning conference, EAEA 2019 - Envisioning ambiances:
representing (past, present and future) atmospheres for architecture and the built environment
September, 3rd-6th 2019, The School of Architecture of Nantes, France
2019 Oriole: A Parametric Solution for Robotic Videography
Published Conference full Paper with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E. (2019)
In Haeusler M. H., Schnabel M. A., and Fukuda T. (Eds.). Intelligent & Informed.
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided
Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural
Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA). | ISBN: 978-988-78917-2-7
April 15-18th 2019, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Volume 2, 553-563.
2019 Oriole: A Parametric Solution for Animation-Based Robotic Motion Design
Published Conference Abstract with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E. (2019)
The proceeding of the Computer-Aided Architectural Design (CAAD) Futures 2019 - Hello, Culture!
June 26 - 28th 2019, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South
Korea. 132 | ISBN: 978-89-89453-05-5
2019 Flying Gardens: A robotic architectural proposal for a sessional garden
Published Conference Short Paper/Project with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E., Hannigan K., and Schultz J. (2019)
In Ficca J., Kulper A., and La G.(Eds.). PLAY with the Rules, BLACK BOX: Articulating Architecture's
Core in the Post-Digital Era
Proceedings of 107th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Annual Conference
March 28-30, 2019, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, PA. 8-9.
2019 Mixed Robotic Interface Γ: Searching for a hybrid cyber-physical design/experience interface
Published through virtual/actual robots
Conference Short Paper/Project with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E., Bowmen B., and Swanson T. (2019)
In Ficca J., Kulper A., and La G.(Eds.). PLAY with the Rules, BLACK BOX: Articulating Architecture's
Core in the Post-Digital Era
Proceedings of 107th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Annual Conference
March 28-30, 2019, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, PA. 116-117.
2018 Mixed Architectural Robotic Interface (MARI): Augmentation of Robotic Design and Fabrication
Published through a Custom, Interactive Virtual-reality Platform
Conference full Paper with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E. (2018)
In Uddin M. S., Yoon S., Kim L., and W Ch. (Eds.). Virtual + Actual: Process and Product of Design
Proceedings of the 2018 Design Communication Conference, Department of Design and
Environmental Analysis, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 54-61.
2018 Reinventing Familiar Design Tools (RFDT): Architectural Design Process as a Gaming Experience
Published Conference Abstract with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E. (2018)
In Benyamin J., Bouchard N., Moon W., Reynolds K., and Zell M. (Eds.). PLAY with the Rules,
Abstract book of the 2018 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Fall Conference,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. 78-79.
2018 No Keyboard, No Mouse
Published A Hybrid Digital-Analogue Hardware Design for Enhancing Design UI and UX
Conference Full Paper with proceeding
Authors: Poustinchi, E., Wang, S., and Luhan, G. (2018)
In Fukada T., Huang W., Janssen P., Crolla K., Alhadidi S. (Eds.). Learning, Adapting and Prototyping.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided
Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural
Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Hong Kong, Volume 1, 553-563.
2018 Supple[Core]: Interactive Interior Design as a Form of Human-Based Design
Published Conference Short Paper/Project with proceeding
Author: Poustinchi, E. (2018)
In Ameri A., and Dagg R. O. (Eds.) The Ethical Imperative.
Project proceedings of the 106th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Annual
Meeting 2018, 65-66.
2018 NK|NM
Published Hybrid Digital-Physical Hardware Design for Designing and Enhancing User Experiences
Conference Short Paper/Project with proceeding
Authors: Poustinchi, E., and Luhan, G. (2018)
In Ameri A., and Dagg R. O. (Eds.) The Ethical Imperative.
Project proceedings of the 106th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Annual
Meeting 2018, 165-166.
2017 Craft and digital consequences | Micro-Hybrid Exploration at (Full) Scale
Published University of Kentucky | Applied Computation Center (CoDACC)
Conference Full Paper (Published)
Authors: Lanham, T., Shaifa, I., Poustinchi, E., and Luhan, G. (2017)
In Cursi, S., Elsayed, K., Coraglia, U.M., Rossini, F.L. (Eds.). ShoCK: Sharing Computable Knowledge
The 35th Annual eCAADe International Conference Proceedings, 327-336.
Published Conference Full Paper (Published)
Authors: Kalantari S., Poustinchi E., and Ahmadi N. (2017)
In Janssen P., Loh P., Raonic A., Schnabel M. A. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided
Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2017 Proceedings, 529-539.
2016 ROBOBBLE | Form Generation by Flexible Mesh, Interactive Responsive installation
Published Conference Short Paper/Project with proceeding
Authors: Kalantari S., Poustinchi E. (2016)
In Corser R., and Haar Sh. (Eds.) Shaping New Knowledges.
Project proceedings of the 104th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Annual
Meeting 2016, 83-84.
2016 Using Virtual Reality Techniques to Evaluate Urban Architectural Factors in Relation to Human
Published Stress Levels
Conference Full Pape with proceeding
Authors: Kalantari S., Poustinchi E. (2016)
In Christensen K. (Eds.) DILEMMA: DEBATE
Proceedings of the 106th Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) Annual conference
2016, 233.
2019 Post-Screen: A Criticism of Digital Screens
Published Online Journal Article (Published)
Author: Poustinchi E. (2019)
Editor at Large: Morey A.
Archinect | Online Architectural Journal/publication/resource
Published on Mar 22, 2019. 9:30 AM EST | as an Editorial Feature
2019 “Move! – Good Robot!” or Why I Think Robots are Meant to Be Post-Screen Mediums
Published Online Journal Article (Published)
Author: Poustinchi E. (2019)
Editor at Large: Morey A.
Archinect | Online Architectural Journal/publication/resource
Published on Apr 26, 2019. 12:03 PM EST| as an Editorial Feature
EXHIBITIONS (Peer-reviewed + Invited)
2018-Current [Im]Permanent Collection of the A+D Architecture and Design Museum in Los Angeles
* impermanent collection will act as the central heart of the museum where visitors can
experience an intimate interaction with the works.
Museum collection (Invited)
A+D Architecture and Design Museum
Los Angeles, CA, United States
2019 Refworks
Group exhibition (Invited)
An online exhibition of speculative rooms, curated by Mr.Studio.
Instagram, @Refwork
2018 3-Ways
Group exhibition (Invited)
A+D Architecture and Design Museum
Los Angeles, CA, United States
2018 7thTypomania (Moscow international typography Festival 2018)
Group exhibition (Invited)
The Museum of Moscow
Moscow, Russia
2018 T.P.T (Trnava 10th poster triennial 2018)
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed) | Finalist
Jan Koniarek Gallery
Trnava, Slovakia
2018 Huroof (Contemporary Typography from the Middle East)
Group exhibition (invited)
Fully Booked Art Book Fair
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2017 No Keyboard, No Mouse
Interactive exhibition of my Students’ work | University of Kentucky, College of Design
Reynolds Building #1
Lexington, KY, United States
2015 ROBOBBLE | Form Generation by Flexible Mesh, Interactive Responsive installation
interactive form-making exhibition (Peer-reviewed)
Washington State University, Art Museum
Pullman, WA, United States
2015 Local / Not Local
Group exhibition (invited)
Arab American National Museum
Dearborn, MI, United States
2015 Local / Not Local
Group exhibition (invited)
Exhibition funded by "Cal State Dominguez Hills"
Carson, CA, US
2015 Morphographic
Duo Exhibition (invited)
Carpenter Gallery | Washington State University
Pullman, WA, United States
2014 Golden Bee 11 (Moscow International Biennale of Graphic Design)
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed) | Finalist
The Meyerhold Theatre Center
Moscow, Russia
2014 UCLA Architecture and Urban Design | Featured project from Greg Lynn SUPRASTUDIO
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed)
Amethyst Cluster, a proposal for moving robotic Architecture
Perloff Gallery and UCLA IDEAS Robotic lab
Los Angeles, CA, US
2014 UCLA Architecture and Urban Design | Featured project from Greg Lynn SUPRASTUDIO
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed)
Boeing future factory, Collaboration with Boeing for redesigning the C-17 factory
UCLA IDEAS Robotic lab
Los Angeles, CA, US
2014 UCLA Architecture and Urban Design | Featured project from Greg Lynn SUPRASTUDIO
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed)
Opera rollercoaster, a proposal for flying/hovering architecture
Perloff Gallery
Los Angeles, CA, US
2014 Local / Not Local
Group exhibition (invited)
Levantine Cultural Center
Los Angeles, CA, US
2012 9th Tassvir-e sal festival of visual arts | (Two projects)
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed) |Winner of the "Mohsen Rasoul-of" award
The first prize winner as the top under 25-year Iranian graphic designer
Artists’ House Museum
Tehran, Iran
2012 T.P.T (Trnava 8th poster triennial 2012)
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed) | Finalist
Jan Koniarek Gallery
Trnava, Slovakia
2012 4th Fadjr International visual arts festival
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed) | Awarded with Special recognition
Saba Gallery
Tehran, Iran
2012 World graphics day | Isfahan graphics house
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed) | Awarded with Special recognition
Isfahan, Iran
2012 13th Radio poster festival, Tehran
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed) | Finalist
Arasbaran Gallery
Tehran, Iran
2012 Tehran Municipality Design Exhibition
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed) | Finalist
Iran’s Artists’ House Museum
Tehran, Iran
2011 4th Persian Gulf international poster exhibition
Group exhibition (Peer-reviewed) | Finalist
Tehran, Iran